When it’s all said and done for us in this life, we will praise God. But God will also praise some of us. Recall that famous phrase from the book of Matthew, Well done thou good and faithful servant. That is praise from God to man. What would it take to hear that from God?
The whole story is found in Matt. 25:14-30. It begins with, For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. In this case, it was money, and he expected his servants to invest and multiply it until he returned. Some did; one didn’t.
Let’s jump to the application. After His death, Jesus traveled to a far country (heaven), and He left us with His goods—His word, His spirit, the message of the gospel (Christ in you, the hope of glory), spiritual gifts, etc. He will return someday, and He expects to see that we invested and multiplied His goods.
So the question for us is, what have we done with the goods He left us with? We should want to hear the praise of God… Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
He mentioned faithfulness twice here. It’s that important. It means stewarding well the goods He gave us.
We all have to fight the urge to hoard all the goods for ourselves, or to bury and ignore them. For me, I think this calls for an evaluation before God—laying out everything He has given me and asking how I’m using/not using it for Him. Am I faithful with the spiritual gifts He has given me? The Word of God that I know? The gospel? My talents? Is it all channeled toward Him? Am I using what I have in others’ lives?
At the end of my life, I want to hear Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Faithfulness is something revealed over time. In that story in Matthew, the other option was to hear the Lord say, Thou wicked and slothful servant.
Faithful or slothful?
We live in a slothful age, so if we let inertia rule, we will be that wicked and slothful servant, living for ourselves. It’s time to invest and multiply.